Search Result of "green manure"

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Allelopathic effect from plant used as green manure in rice fields

ผู้แต่ง:ImgMs.SUKUMARN LERTMONGKOL, Associate Professor,




ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Use of Azolla [Azolla pinnata] as Green Manure for Rice I. Comperison to Chemical Fertilizer )

ผู้เขียน:ImgUse of Azolla [Azolla pinnata] as Green Manure for Rice, Imgนายประยูร สวัสดี, Imgองอาจ วีระโสภณ, Imgหรรษา คุณาไท, Imgอนนท์ สุขสวัสดิ์, Imgนิพรรณศรี โคมทอง, Imgกรรณิกา นากลาง, Imgวิทยา ศรีทานันท์, Imgชัยศักดิ์ แผ้วผลสง, Imgอนันท์ อะทะวงษา, Imgทรงชัย วัฒนพายัพกุล



The purposes of this study were to compare rice yield under different methods of azolla growing, with and without additional chemical nitrogen fertilizer. The experiments were conducted in various rice experimental stations during wet season in 1979. The results indicated that the use of azolla green mmanure increased and/or tended to increase the yield of rice as compared to the azolla-free plots. This was true for both methods of azolla growing, prior to and/or after transplanting rice. The results also indicated that one layer of azolla, wheather it was incorporated into the soil or not, increased rice yield equivalent to 30 kg.N/ha, while two layers increased the yield of rice as did 60 kg.N/ha. The later is also true for a layer of azolla used in combination with 30 kg.N/ha.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 014, Issue 2, Jul 80 - Dec 80, Page 1 - 6 |  PDF |  Page 


ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Effects of Intercropping Groundnut and Green-Manure Legumes to Corn on the Yields of Corn and Productivity and Chemical Properties of Soil)

ผู้เขียน:ImgA. Suwanarit, ImgN. Lekhasoonthrakorn, ImgJ. Rungchuang, ImgS. Kritapirom



As an effort to find green-manure production methods that did not need complete devotion of land during the cropping season, a field experiment with three successive annual cropping was conducted in Thailand to examine effects of repetitive intercropping groundnut and green-manure legumes to corn for two successive years on the yields of the intercropped corn and soil productivity and chemical properties. Groundnut and green-manure legumes, which included creeping thornless mimosa, rice bean, sword bean, pigeon pea and lab lab, were intercropped to corn plants, which were grown with double-row spacing, and allowed to continue growing after harvesting and cutting down the stubble of the intercropped corn and were then chopped and plowed into the soil at about one month before the following annual cropping (9- 10 months after planting). Productivity of the soils were compared in the third cropping in which the plots for all of the treatments were planted to corn. Grain yields of corn intercropped with groundnut, lab lab, mimosa, pigeon pea, rice bean and sword bean in the first cropping were 102%, 92%, 86%, 79%, 76%, and 73% of that of the sole corn, respectively, whereas those obtained in the second cropping were 116%, 166%, 190%, 185%, 151%, and 123% of that of the sole corn, respectively. Grain yields of corn grown in plots previously cropped to corn-mimosa intercrops, corn-pigeon pea intercrops, corn-lab lab intercrops, corn-sword bean intercrops, corn-rice bean intercrops and corn-groundnut intercrops were 230%, 186%, 177%, 131%, 123%, and 112% of that of the plots previously treated with the sole corn. In general, the corn-mimosa intercropping system was the best and the corn-pigeon pea intercropping system and the corn-lab lab intercropping system were the second best in improving soil chemical properties. With the planting configuration used, intercropping corn with mimosa was most recommended and intercropping corn with pigeon pea or lab lab was the second most recommended for simultanous production of green-manure and corn.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 032, Issue 3, Jul 98 - Sep 98, Page 374 - 384 |  PDF |  Page